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Image by Yeh Xintong


Safeguarding is of the highest importance and we work stringently to adhere to current safeguarding legislation and guidelines.  If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer or see our Safeguarding policy here. 
For more information please visit the Derby Diocesan Safeguarding Team


If you have an urgent concern and an immediate response is required, you should also directly contact the relevant service below:
Emergency services: 999 - emergency,
101 - non emergency
Social Care
Derbyshire Starting Point: 01629 533190/08456 058058
Derby City Council: 01332 641172 (Children’s Services), 01332 640777 (Adults’ Services),
01332 786968 (out of office)
Childline: 0800 11 11
Silverline: 0800 470 80 90 (to seek help for older people)

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